
For many reasons bondage is one of my biggest kinks. But first of all: It’s a very diverse term. In my sessions it is mostly synonymous with rope bondage because most of my fixations I construct with cotton ropes. But in general bondage means „immobilisation“ and can be achieved in a lot of ways. May it be steel bondage with iron chains and heavy shackles or extremely tight foil wrappings, bondage sacks, inflatable latex gear, different kinds of rope or tape – tastes differ and that is fine. But as we are talking about my passions here,let’s go on.
Ropes excite me for as long as I can remember. My first „bondage rope“ was a cream coloured curtain cord I bought at a haberdashery store at an age I better don’t mention here. And of course I also had some handcuffs because they were cheap and easy to get at the local fun store. The love for ropes should remain. My interest in handcuffs faded the moment I got the chance for alternatives.
La Marfa in Hamburg taught me the basics of the dominant craft, including bondage. Something I will be grateful for all my life. With this new knowlege my interest in bondage and immobilisation quickly developed and in no time I had willing – partially more or less flexible – playpartners under my wings who let me tie them up: Sometimes as a helpless package on the floor, sometimes floating in the air – because suspension bondages are a natural part of my bondage repertoire. You can’t imagine my surprise when I learned that this is not a usual thing everybody does! Over and over again, clients told me stories of „bondage sessions“ that consisted of barely more than four cuffs tied to the bed. Don’t get me wrong: There are situations where four cuffs and a bed are exactly the right thing! But if someone asks explicitly for bondage, well, I see completely different pictures in my head … *chuckle*
But which ones? That depends a lot on what I plan to do with the bondage – or the rope bunny for that matter. In general there are two possibilities:
a) I want my playpartner in a helpless position that allows me to do something specific to him/her.
b) I do the bondage for the sake of doing bondage. The journey is the reward. It’s not as much about function as about feeling and aesthetics.

Elaborate bondages are an erotic as well as a contemplative act. I am extremely concentrated and can forget all the world around me. Something I often struggle with. And as much as I usually like to talk: While weaving the ropes and knotting the ties, I am very quiet.
Given that, you might understand what kind of bondage fans I don’t like: escapologists. Every tie is a challange they try to win. I understand the thrill in that and this kink absoloutely has it’s right to exist – but not with me. I want us to ride together on waves of pleasure instead of struggling with each other. By the way that goes not only for bondage but for all of my sessions. However, what I enjoy very much: Seeing how you squirm in the ropes – or how you can’t even do that anymore in a suspension while I‘m sensually lounging on the floor under you.
Safety first: Bondage is nothing you „just do somehow“. I have years and years of experience and custom fit every bondage to my playpartner, his/her emotional and physical needs at that particular moment. And still on some days a „Not today“ is the safest thing I can do for you. For example if we enjoyed a wonderful but exhausting overnight session I won’t do a suspension at 4:00 am in the morning. Because at this point I can’t rely on my mental or physical strength as much as I have to to keep you safe.
But does it always have to be ropes to hold you down? No. There are also other methods I feel enthusiastic about:
- medical bondage systems
- inflatable latex
- foil bondage – up to the extreme of mummification
- nice wrist and ankle cuffs – if I want it quick and easy
- bondage sacks – perfect for tied up overnights
- bondage devices – e.g. collars with rings or heel cuffs
On my Blog or in my Twitter feed you can find a lot of snapshots of my bondages.
And because I hear that question quite often: Yes, a hotel room is a fine place for sophisticated bondages. The typical BDSM furniture with its hooks and eyes is very convenient but not necessary. Only suspensions are a thing I can’t do at a normal hotel – because which room comes with a joist ceiling? But fortunately for the realisation of such fantasies there are other places to go.